Community Involvement & Funding

The Cairds Hill Wind Farm will generate a community benefit fund to be invested in the local area in each year of the project’s lifetime. We are committed to £5,000 per installed MW in community benefit, which means up to £84,000 per annum going to the local community.

Good Practice Principles

Our work to develop more detailed proposals for the community benefit arrangements will be guided by the Scottish Government’s Good Practice Principles for Community Benefit[1].

We will be seeking the views of the community regarding if and how the additional funding criteria and area of benefit could be managed differently.

Keith-based charity REAP (Rural Environmental Action Project) manages other community funds for wind farms on behalf of the local community by committee. The community benefit fund primary catchment area currently includes communities with 10km of the site, which includes all or parts of the Keith Community Council area, Strathisla Community Council area, Strathbogie Community Council area, Lennox Community Council area, Dufftown & District Community Council area. Groups out with the 10km area can receive funding if it is for projects or to benefit the local community. It is envisaged that the Cairds Hill project will do something similar. 

Suppliers and Businesses

If you are a local supplier or business who would like to discuss your potential involvement with the project with us or be added to our supplier list, please get in touch.

We will also be holding more events later in the project process including a “meet the buyer” event.

Separation from Planning Process

It is important to stress that community benefits are voluntary initiatives and, as such, are not a material consideration in the planning process. If we do ultimately proceed to apply for consent for the extension, our application will be assessed against the provisions in Scottish Planning Policy, the local authority’s development plan, and any other material considerations.

Likewise, contributing to discussions on community benefits does not affect an individual’s, community or organisation’s right to express a view on our proposals, or to support or object to these.

[1] Good Practice Principles for Community Benefit (Scottish Government, 2019)